Hello everyone, we are quickly approaching Kai's first birthday, June 8, 2009. He seems to be growing quickly lately, but differently. He was growing outwards, now he seems to be getting longer and taller, which is good. I don't think he could have gotten much wider! But he is moving around a lot, and standing up on everything, as you'll be able to see from the pictures. He loves standing, so it wont be long until he starts taking off. He walks, but only when someone holds his hands. The other night he took a step from the ottoman over to the couch, but since then if he needs to get somewhere quickly (like over to Casey's dogfood!!!) he gets down and crawls. Oh yeah, by the way, we have a little news, too. Literally, about 2 inches right now, since Kristina is in her 11th week. Yes, Kai is going to have a little brother! Well, we are not sure of the sex yet, but come on, who are we kidding??? Love you all, and if you are around on June 6th, we are going to have a BBQ at our house in the afternoon, around 3ish, stop by for some cupcakes with the family!

"I am pretty sure I can scale this vanity, watch this! Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can..."
"Give me that camera, Dad, NOW! I want to take some pictures, too"

"Um, Dad, how about a little privacy? I'm trying to use the john!"

The boys' morning weekend routine: Sportscenter and a bottle

Little boy loves the swings. We pass this park on our evening walks with Casey and he gets to swing a little. He loves our walks and just loves to be outside.


"That's right, I tamed this dinosaur, WITH ONE HAND!!!"
Here is a video of Kai and Casey, it is pretty funny if you have a couple minutes to watch. Kai really enjoys sharing his snacks with Casey, and as you can imagine, Casey doesn't mind either!
Kai is not really saying much English yet, but as you will be able to hear on the video, he sure is saying a lot of baby talk. I just wish I spoke 'baby' to hear what he was saying! You can also see how much he loves just hanging outside.
Here is the little boy in the morning when mommy goes in to get him.