So June brought Kai's first birthday, as you can see from the pictures below. Just a couple quick notes, Kai is walking around now. He likes to do so holding someone's hand most of the time, but he is getting more confident every day and taking more and more steps on his own. It is very fun to watch, just ask his grandparents! They sure do get a kick out of it! I'll try to post a video of him walking soon.
It is also the start of summer vacation for us all, well, all of us teachers! I will be spending the summer with the family and taking over spending the days with Kai for Gramma Mi-Mi, no matter how hard she cries! Just kidding, she is still getting to spend plenty of time with him, there's no keeping her away!
Kristina is feeling good during her 17th week of pregnancy, very tired though. She says she feels different with this pregnancy than the last one...uh, oh. Kai may be getting a sibling with a different chromosome makeup, definitely different than what we are expecting! We will find out next month and let everyone know!

Here is the Birthday boy and his mommy on his big day. What cuties!

Here is Kai, Daddy and the guest of honor...the pig we all scarfed down! Mmmmmmm!
Happy 1st Birthday, big boy!

Big boy didn't love his cupcake, he put his hand in the frosting, and then just looked around and waited for Mommy to wipe it off, he didn't even eat any! That's Ok, no sugar for that little boy anyway!
The next few pics are Kai playing with all the great birthday gifts he received from family and friends.

Nice kick, little Beckham! Gotta start him young!

"Old MacDonald had a farm..."
Thanks, Carla, he loves his magnets!

Nice laptop! Now he wont beg to play with Mommy's! Well, yeah, he still will! But he likes to play with his too, now. Thanks Nan and Poppy!

Here is Kai playing his drums like his uncle Matt! Thanks, Mi-Mi.
By the way, like the Phillies jammies?!! Go Phils!
The Phillies will always have special meaning for Mommy and Daddy since we watched a Phils game the Sunday Kai was born, while Kristina was in labor. Even Kristina watches the games now!

This was his gift from his Mommy and Daddy, a Radio Flyer wagon...

...which he loves to ride in on walks as you can see! "Sit down you little daredevil!!!"

Here is Kai and Mommy on our first trip to the zoo. This was a Christmas gift from Grampa and Mi-Mi Schultz and it has been great. We have been a few times and he really likes being there because he loves being outside so much and walking with mommy and daddy. He really likes the Bird house because the birds fly all around you and he points at all of them. And he likes to see the monkeys jumping around. I'm sure he'll grow to love the zoo more and more with each visit.

Kai checking out the duck family at the children's zoo

Some cute pics of the little boy.
Stretching out before a run in his new Nike shoes.

Sporting the Puma shirt