Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cutie Leilani!!!!!

Last time I posted some cute pics of Kai, so I will post some of Leila this time. Next time I will post some of the kids together. Enjoy!

Ready for the SNOW-ICANES!!!!! (which is actually a term our news is calling the recent storm!)
She's already following in the footsteps and kicking the soccer ball
Hanging in her pj's
Leila and her most favorite person in the world. As soon as she hears Kristina's voice she starts smiling and talking

Bath time

Monday, February 22, 2010

Cutie Kai!!!!!

Here are some cutie pics of Kai, I am running out of computer battery, so I will throw some more pics up soon. We have some great pics of Kai and Leila together that I want to share while we are thawing out here in Philly. Hope everyone is doing well.

Kai hiding in the laundry with his sister looking on in the background
Kai doing his Harry Potter impersonation (for those of you who don't know the books, Harry has a lightning scar on his forehead just like Kai's. We have no idea where Kai got his from, one of his many bumps and bruises).
Waiting to go out and play in the snow
Little Michaelangelo
Playing with Casey in the snow fort

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


If you've heard anything about the snow in the Philly area, you'll know we are getting pounded Buffalo style this past week. I can't believe, these poor kids with Hawaiian names are having to deal with such cold! It doesn't look like Kai minds too much, doing anything outside makes him happy!
Leila spent her day inside with mommy. A good burp always makes her smile!
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

...hey, I'm not complaining if I get two days off from school!
Oh yeah, and the electricity went out too. Leila hanging out in the glow of the flashlight.
While Kai ate by candlelight. Nothing will stop him from sitting down for dinner! He's just like his daddy!

Good night, stay warm to those in the philly area. To those in warm places, we're so jealous!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 2010

It seems to be very busy here at the Schultz residence. Kristina is back to work (tear, tear, sniff, sniff) and 1st semester just came to a close and 2nd semester is now in full swing, which always feels like a busy time for me. But the babies sure don't know any difference!!! They are doing well, enjoying their time together. We also had a wonderful visit with Grandpa Schultz who came down from Falconer about a week ago. Here are some pics of his visit and a few more of the kids. Enjoy!

Great Grandpa Rue spending time with Leilani Rue

"You guys mind if I mow the lawn in here?"
Casey warming up by the fire
Kai giving Casey a kiss goodnight
Drawing with the resident artist of the family, Aunt Mary
The face off. Casey vs. Rusty. Youth vs. Experience.
The girls laying in the sun on a winter weekend morning

Kai giving his sister a hug
"Who loves his sister?" "I do!"
Kai loves to just lay next to Leila and spend some brother-sister time
Don't turn us in to Child Youth Services, but Kai got a bit muddy one day playing in the puddles outside. He loves to run through the puddles with his puddle-boots on, and he hit one that was a bit deeper than the others, and... down he went, face first! As you can see, he was really upset!
And his clothes took a beating too!
The baby blues still look piercing though, don't they?
Coloring at his desk
The three muskateers
"You're so funny, Daddy!"
Becoming a big boy, isn't he?
Hanging out with his puddle boots on. "You ready to go outside, yet, Dad? I heard we have some killer puddles out there today."
"Hey big brother, what you got there, I'm sick of this formula stuff!"