Kai had a road trip last month to meet his family in western New York outside of Buffalo. It was a hunting trip for Daddy, Grampa Scott and Uncle Mike, who got to go deer hunting with Gramp Schultz and Uncle Robbie (Kai's great grandpa and great uncle - wow that is weird to say!). Unfortunately, we were not very lucky, so don't have any venison to bring home. But it was certainly fun, and nice to see everyone. Kai had a chance to stay at Uncle Terry and Aunt Brenda's beautiful home, visit with Uncle Rob, Aunt Diane and cousin Leo and spend time with Great Grandpa and Grandma Schultz. Although she hasn't been feeling well lately, she had a great time with Kai and looked GREAT!!!
Here are a few of the pictures. Technologically savvy grampa schultz sent me some others, that I will try to post soon.
Four generations of Schultz men!

Casey and her new best friend Rusty played together all weekend, in and out of the house!

Uncle Mike having a cup of joe before sitting in a tree stand for 8 hours and seeing nothing!
And surprisingly, this is what it looked like outside one of the days we were hunting. Snow... in Falconer...HOW SHOCKING!
At least I saw something alive. That's a turkey in the middle of the picture

Kai wanted to go too, he even wore his camo to try and convince daddy he was ready! You only have to wait about 17 years or so...

"OK, I'll just play with mommy, then!"

Back at home, relaxing by the fire

Someone is getting flexible. Here Kai is stretching out before his daily workout with daddy.

"Who wants a hug???"
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