Friday, August 31, 2012

Bye Bye Summer 2012

We were so lucky to get to spend almost two whole weeks at the beach this summer, here is a little pictorial recap of our vacation.

 Leila helping make breakfast

 Liz and Erin came down for a couple days too which was great.

 The men on the kayak

 Leila must have a little of Aunt Barbara in her, every time you tell her to smile for the camera, she makes a funny face!
 Hanging with the ipad, I mean, with Pa
 Leila liked the kayaks better when they were on land!  But mommy did get her out there with her the next day.
 Watching the incredible sunset

 A great blue heron landed on the dock next to our house
 Nap time at the beach.  Isn't that what vacation is all about?!!

We caught a meal full of crabs throughout the week and had a little crab feast on our last day of vacation.  Here is a video of Kai vs. Mr. Blue Claw
They were some big crabs!

 These are some pictures from home this past week.  Our last week together until school officially starts!

 Check out my new snake tattoo! 

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