So, I am just killing time until the next feeding and I thought I would update the blog with some of the pics we have taken of Leilani and Kai together. And as you will see, we haven't forgotten about Kai, there are still many pics of the little boy! Enjoy

Spending time with Nan. The DeCarlo's have spent a lot of time with the baby, helping us out with the big adjustment. Not sure what we would have done without them!

Hanging with some spider friends

Kai loves his little sister already, he is always pointing at her and checking out what she is doing, and he has to give her a kiss on the lips all the time, especially before bed.

"What happens if I shake her seat like this?"

Her eyes are a bit darker than Kai's as you can see

It's tiring sleeping all day

About to be poked by the little fingers on the right

Leilani hanging with Uncle Mike and Aunt Mary

This is a famous Kai pose. Do they look alike?

Sleeping on the couch her first day home

"What happens if I poke her eye like this?"

Mommy looking great as usual

Texting already

"Ah, yeah, I gotta go, Elmo just came on."

Quality time with Daddy

Look at those eyes! What a lucky boy! He obviously didn't get them from Daddy! I feel bad for the hearts he's going to break!


I know this is probably not appropriate but I just couldn't help myself! This is why he runs away from getting his diaper changed. The living room rug is a much more appealing place to pee!

Kai is not going to let Leila get all of Daddy's attention! If you look close you can see they are holding hands...well, Kai is squeezing her hand, but it's a start!

Loves to play soccer, but loves to just sit on the soccer balls too!

This was Kai's first snow. As you can see, he is not sure if he likes it! Seriously, though the cold doesn't affect him at all. Believe me, no weather can keep him in the house!

Working on the farm - "Dad, am I big enough to ride the tractor?"

Hanging out with cousin Noah

Making music with cousin Luke

"OK, Dad, enough pictures for now! That's all folks!"

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