Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 2012: Pool Party, Ridley Creek and the Beach!

 Summer 2012 has begun and the kids have been having fun at the beach, at the pool and spending time with mommy and daddy. 

Here are some pictures of us at Ridley Creek State Park enjoying the summer weather

 This was Memorial Day at the beach.  Here Kai is doing some dinosaur research on the Ipad
And Leila catches up on some shut eye in her big girl bed.
 "Good morning baby Cam!"  The kids love being around their cousin baby Cam!
 Kai and Pa doing some crabbing off the dock.

And they did a great job, a whole bucket full.  Kai loved catching them, but we weren't sure what he would want to do with them afterwards.  He said, "Let's eat 'em!"  Daddy had no problem with that order!
 Nap time = Mommy and Daddy time
 Hanging at the pool
 Movie star in the making.  Believe me, she's dramatic enough!
 Kai's mommy showed how amazing, and multi-talented she is and made Kai this dinosaur scene cake for his 4th Birthday party.  Wow, 4 years old already!
 "Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."
 Check Leila out trying to steal some icing on the side
 "Yummy icing!"

 "Leila, you can use a fork now, honey, that's your piece of cake."
 Kai had all his friends over to the pool for a pool party for his birthday and they had a great time of course.  Here is Kai playing with one of the party favors, dino chompers!

 The kids enjoying some pool time
 Leila doing a little pool dancing!

 Some more pics of Ridley Creek
 Kai and Leila playing dinosaur land, probably their favorite game.  Kai is OBSESSED with dinosaurs at this time, so here he is spotting a Megalasaur, Carnataurus or some other obscure dinosaur that he loves.  He's incredible, and can pronounce the names like a little paleontologist!
"Bye-bye everyone!"

Sunday, June 3, 2012

April/May 2012

 Kai's first camp out.  As you see we have a great fire going, tent and he even brought his stuffed Brachiosaurus  out to spend the night with us.  However, 5 minutest later, he said, "I think I'm going to go inside and see Mommy and Leila."  Oh well, maybe next time.

 The cousins, Leila, Kai and baby Cam
 We enjoyed a wonderful visit from Grandpa Schultz.  Here he is spending some quality time with Leila blowing bubbles.

 Princess Leila with her tiara and earrings on.  Oh boy.